Chanterelle Mushroom – Copper Pendant, Veiled


Another familiar favourite for foraging fungophiles, the Chanterelle’s brilliant yellow, orange, or white colouring and distinctive, fan-like shape brings a smile to those fortunate to find them.

Handmade, hammered copper pendant with Peach Moonstone Beads.

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SKU: chanterelle-pendant-peach-moon Category:


Chanterelles are a familiar favourite for foraging fungophiles, with their bright yellow colouring and fan-like shape. They live in the woods and are saprophytic (living off of dead organic material) or mycorrhizal (forming relationships with the roots of trees).

They have a fruity aroma, like apricots or pumpkins, and often have a mildly peppery taste. Favourite methods of preparation are sauteed, or as a cream of Chanterelle soup.

Read the write up on the Chanterelle for more information.